Dosen Pembimbing
Sony Kusumasondjaja, M.Com.,Ph.D.


With the rapid development of the digital world , causing the growth of internet
users, especially blog. This provides a great opportunity for marketers to take the
advantage of using blog as a marketing medium. From a marketing perspective,
blogging has been viewed as a new type of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM). In
this study focuses on examining the influence of Similarity, Visual Appeal,
Information Adequacy, Trust, Blog Credibility, Review Acceptance to the blog
users’purchase Intention. This is a quantitative resecarch that use online survey to
240 respondents which use Analysis of Moment Structures ( AMOS ) as analysis
techniques. In this research note that Review Acceptance and Blog Credibility had
significant influential effect on blog users’ Purchase Intention; Similarity and Blog
Credibility had significant influential effect on blog users’ Review Acceptance;
Similarity, Blog Credibility, and Information Adequacy had significant influential
effect on blog users’ Trust. Contrary to our expectations, Trust did not have a
significant effect on blog users’ Purchase Intention, Information Adequacy did not
have a significant effect on blog users’ Review Acceptance, Visual Appeal of blog
platform did not have a significant effect on blog users’ Trust; Similarity did not
have a significant effect on Blog Credibility.
Keywords : Food blog, Similarity, Visual Appeal, Information Adequacy,
Trust, Blog Credibility, Review Acceptance, Purchase Intention.

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